


Formato: Libro físico

Autor: David Shannon

Editorial:  Scholastic

Idioma: Ingles

N° páginas: 12

Encuadernación: Cartone

ISBN: 9780439688826

SKU: 9780439688826 Categoría:


Oops! Did somebody make a mess?! Join David as he finds himself in a few sticky situations, and learn his five favorite words along the way. From throwing a ball to riding a tricycle to taking a bath, David sometimes has a little too much fun. But he knows there’s nothing better than cuddling with Mama at the end of a busy and exciting day. With the same irresistible humor and vibrant style as his award-winning No, David! books, David Shannon takes us back to the “early years” of his most beloved character. Perfect for beginning readers as well as for the youngest children!

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