
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe


Formato: Libro físico

Autor: C.S.Lewis

Editorial: Scholastic

Colección: –

Nº páginas: 189

Idioma: inglés

Encuadernación: rustico

ISBN: 0590254766

SKU: 590254766 Categorías: , Etiqueta:


They say Aslan is on the move. Perhaps he has already landed,’ whispered the Beaver. Edmund left a sensation of mysterious horror. Peter felt brave and adventurous. Susan felt as if some delightful strain of music had just floated by. And Lucy got that feeling you get when you realise it’s the beginning of summer. So, deep in the bewitched land of Narnia, the children set out on the most exciting and enchanted adventures ever written.
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